Sunday, December 1, 2013

Grand Canyon SUCKS

Once every ten years.

Once every ten years.

Once every ten years they told us.

Once every ten years the Grand Canyon fills up with fog.

They said some stupid scientific reason on why the Grand Canyon fills up with fog once every ten years.

This is what I saw when we pulled up to the Grand Canyon.
I was furious!! We came all this way to see a cloud in a freaking hole.....
Then I looked around me and noticed a bunch of Asians and  Europeans and Arians.
And I could imagine how pissed they must have been to come from across the world to see a cloud in a hole.
It probably took them days to get here while it only took me a few hour drive.
I mean it still sucked but it didn't suck as much after I realized this.


Blogging block

The royal throne